Young girl doing balance and co-ordination activities with occupational therapist in bondi junction and mascot occupational therapy clinic

Balance and Co-ordination

By | Occupational Therapy

Balance and coordination are crucial skills that children need to develop as they grow. These skills help them move confidently, perform daily activities, and participate in sports and other physical activities. Let’s explore how balance and coordination develop in children, why they are important, and how parents and caregivers can support this development. What Are Balance and Coordination? Balance is the ability to maintain a stable and controlled body position while standing, sitting, or moving. It helps children stay upright and prevents them from falling. Coordination involves using different parts of the body together smoothly and efficiently. It helps children…

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Young girl with autism learning to follow instructions in early intervention session for ESDM in clinic in Bondi Junction Mascot Sydney

ESDM and Receptive Communication

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

Autism is a complex neurodevelopment condition. Early intervention is key to helping children with autism. The Early Start Denver Model, or ESDM, is an intervention for young children with autism. It is delivered by our certified ESDM therapists. At our Sydney clinic, OnOnOne Children’s Therapy is proud to offer this early intervention to all our families. Let’s look at how the ESDM develops receptive communication skills. This series of posts will help parents understand how the ESDM improves the features of autism so children can grow and learn. What is receptive communication in the ESDM? Receptive communication is the ability…

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Young boy with autism having tantrum in early intervention session for Early Start Denver Model ESDM in Bondi Junction Mascot Sydney

ESDM and tantrums

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

Autism is a complex neurodevelopment condition. Tantrums are one of the big challenges for children with autism. Early intervention is key to improving behaviour children with autism. The Early Start Denver Model, or ESDM, is an intervention for young children with autism. It is delivered by certified ESDM therapist and we are proud to offer this early intervention to our families. Let’s look at how the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) manages and improves behaviour and tantrums. The concept behind tantrum behaviour in the ESDM is very simple Don’t reinforce the behaviour that the child uses while they are having…

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Occupational Therapy – why it’s important

By | Occupational Therapy

Why do some children need Occupational Therapy? The first three years of a child’s life are critical for development. This is when they develop communication, motor skills and cognition. The brain makes enormous developments during this period that lead to these skills. However, some children don’t develop these skills at the same rate or in the same way as their peers. Some young children take longer to develop, some develop these skills poorly, and some children have associated conditions that impact on these areas. Children need Occupational Therapy when don’t develop their ability to move well early in life. Occupational…

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Young boy learning dressing skills with Occupational Therapist in Occupational Therapy clinic in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Dressing Skills

By | Occupational Therapy

Dressing is a very important skill. Children need to develop many complex motor patterns to be able to manipulate the clothing and their body to put clothes on. They practice getting dressed often so they learn it. Occupational Therapists help children who have trouble developing these skills. When should children start dressing themselves Before children can learn to dress themselves, they have to be able to take off socks, shoes, and pants.At about 18 months, children will start  to undressing themselves because this is an easier skill. This is why you often find a nude child running around the house. They don’t…

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Child with language delay doing Speech Pathology to use more words

How many words should my child say?

By | Speech Pathology

Parents often ask this question. In fact, it is one of the first questions parents ask our Speech Pathologists. Why do parents worry about it? The number of words that the child says is often the first clue that the child’s speech and language is not developing appropriately. Children vary in their speech and language development but we expect a certain number of words by a particular age. Some children use 5 words at 18 months, and other children use 200. It may surprise you to know, that both can be in the normal range. How many words do most…

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Learning is difficult for children with autism?

By | Autism

Why is learning difficult for my child with autism? Learning new skills is often difficult for children with autism. This happens for a number of reasons. Let’s look at how children generally learn and what is different for children with autism. Children are very curious about new things Children are born to learn. They are inquisitive about new things and are attracted to new and interesting things. As a consequence of this curiosity, they learn new things very quickly. They learn new actions, new words, new concepts at an extraordinary fast pace. Children learn these new things by watching other…

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development of pincer grasp in Occupational Therapy session in bondi Junction and Mascot

Pincer Grasp

By | Occupational Therapy

The pincer grasp is a small but important skill that children develop as they grow. It involves using the thumb and index finger to pick up and hold small objects. This skill is essential for many everyday activities, from eating to writing. Let’s explore how children develop the pincer grasp, why it’s important, and how parents can support this development. What Is the Pincer Grasp? This is when a child uses their thumb and index finger to pick up small objects, like a piece of cereal or a button. This skill typically develops between 9 to 12 months of age….

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Maintain holiday routines for children with autism

Maintain holiday routines

By | General

School holidays are a fun and exciting time for children. They get a break from school, enjoy more free time, and can explore new activities. However, keeping a routine during the school holidays is important. Routines help children feel secure, maintain good habits, and make the transition back to school easier. This is particularly true for children with additional needs, such as autism, as they often thrive in routine. Let’s explore why keeping a routine during the school holidays is so beneficial in a simple and fun way. Why Routines Matter Sense of Security: Children thrive on routines because they…

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a child and his speech pathologist who in Bondi Junction and Mascot

The Early Start Denver Model is best practice

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is an evidence-based intervention. Importantly, it is best practice in early intervention according to the National Research Council (2001) guidelines: Firstly, this intervention starts early in life. It is for children between the ages of 2-5 years. Children as young as 6 months do the program. The ESDM improves the outcomes of children with autism. Therapists and parents use the program across the child’s whole day. The Certified ESDM Therapists use it during individual and group programs. Parents use it during the child’s everyday routines. The ESDM is easy to incorporate into daily routines….

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mother looking at the early signs of autism

Early signs of autism?

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental condition that affects how a child communicates, interacts with others, and behaves. The term “spectrum” means that autism affects each person differently and to varying degrees. Recognising the early signs of autism in young children can help ensure they get the support and services they need to thrive. Let’s explore some common early signs of autism in a fun and simple way. Communication Challenges Late Talking: One of the early signs of autism is delayed speech. While most children start saying simple words like “mama” or “dada” by their first birthday, children with…

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