Here are some practical tips for parents in Bondi Junction and Mascot to help their child with dyslexia at home using Sounds Write

Dyslexia Tips for Home

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Empowering Your Child with Dyslexia: Tips for Parents at Home Supporting a child with dyslexia at home can make a significant difference in their learning journey. Dyslexia, a learning disorder that affects reading, writing, and spelling, can present unique challenges. However, with the right strategies and support, your child can thrive. Here are some practical tips for parents in Bondi Junction and Mascot to help their child with dyslexia at home. 1. Create a Positive Reading Environment Encourage a Love for Reading Choose Interesting Books: Find books on topics your child loves to spark their interest. Read Aloud Together: Share…

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child learning to use cutlery with fine motor issues in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Learning cutlery skills

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Helping Your Child Master Cutlery Skills: A Journey Towards Independence Learning to use cutlery is a significant milestone in your child’s journey towards independence. It is a frequent topic of discussion in our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics. Using a knife, fork, and spoon helps children eat neatly and efficiently, making mealtime more enjoyable for everyone. Let’s explore how children learn cutlery skills and celebrate the exciting journey of mastering this important coordination skill. How Children Learn to Use Cutlery Observation Children often start by watching others use cutlery, like their parents, siblings, or peers. They observe how utensils are…

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A group of children with autism doing the Early Start Denver model, ESDM, in a preschool in Bondi Junction Sydney

ESDM Therapy in preschool and daycare

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What is the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)? The Early Start Denver Model, or the ESDM, is an intervention for young children with autism. Parents look for the best intervention for their child. They spend long periods of time finding the best early intervention clinic for their child. They ask about the best ways to support their child’s development. Eventually, most parents ask about supporting their child’s development at preschool. Let’s look at how the Early Start Denver Model, or ESDM, can support children in the preschool or daycare. Why is it important to use the Early Start Denver Model…

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