ESDM therapy for children with autism in Sydney at Bondi Junction and Mswcot

Books and Language Development

By | Speech Pathology

Books are magical tools that can help young children develop their language skills in many wonderful ways. Imagine opening a book and stepping into a world of colourful pictures, exciting stories, and interesting characters. For children, especially those who are just beginning to learn how to talk and understand language, books are an incredible adventure that brings both fun and learning. Let’s explore how books help young children’s language development in a fun and simple way. Building Vocabulary One of the most important ways that books help children is by building their vocabulary. When children listen to stories, they hear…

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Learn how to support your fussy eater at home with these strategies when they start food refusal that we recommend from our Sydney feeding clinic.

Food Refusal – How To Manage It

By | Feeding Therapy | No Comments

Food Refusal: Practical Tips for Parents Food refusal can be incredibly challenging for parents. The child who once tried everything is now refusing their favourite foods. It’s easy to fall into the habit of offering something they will eat just to avoid conflict. However, this can lead to more severe picky eating habits. When your child first starts refusing foods, it is the best time to implement specific feeding strategies. Let’s explore some strategies to prevent your child from becoming a more severe picky eater. Why All the Fuss? Common Age Range for Food Refusal Food refusal is common between…

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Child-led autism therapy provides children with choices in a structured environment, which leads to higher rates of learning

Child-Led Autism Therapy

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) | No Comments

What is Child-Led Autism Therapy? If you’re a parent looking for autism therapy for your child in Sydney, you’ve probably come across the term “child-led therapy.” This approach might sound a bit confusing at first, and you may wonder if it means letting the child do whatever they want during therapy sessions. The answer is no. Child-led therapy doesn’t mean giving children free rein. Instead, it provides them with choices within a structured environment, keeping their interests at the forefront of each activity. Understanding Child-Led Therapy Child-led therapy is a therapeutic approach where the therapist follows the child’s interests and…

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Let’s explore why early diagnosis of dyslexia is crucial and how it can positively impact your child’s future.

Early Diagnosis of Dyslexia

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The Importance of Early Diagnosis of Dyslexia: Empowering Your Child’s Educational Journey Dyslexia, a common learning disorder that affects reading, writing, and spelling, can present significant challenges for children. However, an early diagnosis can make a world of difference in a child’s educational journey. At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in Bondi Junction and Mascot, we are dedicated to helping children with dyslexia reach their full potential. Let’s explore why early diagnosis of dyslexia is crucial and how it can positively impact your child’s future. Why Early Diagnosis of Dyslexia Matters 1. Early Intervention is Key Identifying dyslexia early allows for timely…

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What is the Early Start Denver Model?

What is the Early Start Denver Model?

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) | No Comments

What is the Early Start Denver Model? Are you searching for effective early intervention therapies for your child with autism? One approach you might discover is the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM). Understanding ESDM can help you make informed decisions about your child’s therapy options. In this blog post, we will explain the Early Start Denver Model, its benefits, and how it supports your child’s development. Understanding the Early Start Denver Model The Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) is a comprehensive, play-based intervention designed for young children with autism. ESDM is typically used for children aged 12 to 48 months….

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Understanding sensory integration in Occupational Therapy for child development in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Understand Sensory Integration

By | Occupational Therapy | No Comments

Understanding Sensory Integration: A Guide for Parents What’s the Deal with Sensory Processing? Sensory processing can be a complicated concept to grasp, but it significantly impacts your child’s development. Here, we’ll break down sensory processing and sensory integration in a simple way to help you understand how it benefits your child. Generally, there are three main sensory systems that play a crucial role in child development: the touch system (tactile), the balance system (vestibular), and the body awareness system (proprioceptive). The Touch System (Tactile) The touch system, or tactile system, involves the skin’s ability to sense pressure, texture, temperature, and…

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Tweezers builds fine motor skills in Occupational Therapy session in Bondi Junction and Mascot.

Tweezers build finger strength

By | Occupational Therapy

Tweezers might seem like simple tools, but for young children, they can be powerful tools for building finger strength and fine motor skills. Using tweezers is like a fun workout for little fingers, and it can help children develop the dexterity they need for everyday tasks like writing, buttoning, and tying shoelaces. The Occupational Therapists in our Bondi Junction and Mascot clinics often use amazing tweezer activities to build finger strength and co-ordination. Let’s dive into the exciting world of tweezers and see how they can help build finger strength in young children in a fun and simple way. What…

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Learn how to support your fussy eater at home with these strategies when they start food refusal that we recommend from our Sydney feeding clinic.

Supporting Your Fussy Eater at Home

By | Feeding Therapy | No Comments

Supporting Your Fussy Eater at Home: Practical Tips for Parents Dealing with a fussy eater at home can be a challenging and often stressful experience for parents. Mealtime battles, limited food choices, and the constant worry about nutrition can take a toll on the entire family. However, with the right strategies and a bit of patience, you can help your child develop healthier eating habits and a more positive relationship with food. Here are some practical tips for supporting your fussy eater at home. Introduction to Fussy Eating Fussy eating is common among children, particularly during the toddler and preschool…

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Child with ADHD working on gross motor skills in Occupational Therapy gym in Bondi Junction, Mascot and Randwick.

Gross Motor Development 2 to 5 years

By | Occupational Therapy

Gross Motor Development: Occupational Therapy for Children in Bondi Junction and Mascot Gross motor development is all about how children learn to use their large muscles to move their bodies. For kids between the ages of 2 and 5, this is an exciting time full of running, jumping, climbing, and exploring. At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy, our Occupational Therapists work with young children to develop gross motor skills. Let’s dive into the world of gross motor development and see how young children grow and develop their physical skills in a fun and engaging way. Age 2: Discovering Movement At age 2,…

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A child doing dyslexia intervention in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Emotional Impact of Dyslexia on Children

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Understanding the Emotional Impact of Dyslexia on Young Children As a parent, watching your child struggle with dyslexia can be heart-wrenching. Beyond the academic challenges, this can significantly impact a child’s emotional and psychological well-being. Understanding the emotional impact of dyslexia and knowing how to build your child’s confidence and self-esteem is crucial. At OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in Bondi Junction and Mascot, we’re here to guide you through this journey. The Emotional Impact of Dyslexia Frustration and Anxiety Children with dyslexia often feel frustrated when they can’t keep up with their peers. This frustration can lead to anxiety, especially in…

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Therapy session for Dyslexia treatment using sounds write in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Sounds Write for Dyslexia in Bondi Junction

By | Dyslexia | No Comments

Unlocking Your Child’s Potential: The Benefits of the Sounds Write Literacy Intervention for Dyslexia As a parent, seeing your child struggle with reading and writing can be heart-wrenching. Dyslexia, a common learning difficulty, often hinders a child’s ability to read, spell, and write effectively. Fortunately, at OneOnOne Children’s Therapy in Sydney, we understand these challenges and are committed to providing effective solutions. One such solution we use at at our Bondi Junction and Mascot is the Sounds Write literacy intervention program, specifically designed to support children with dyslexia. What is Sounds Write? Sounds Write is an evidence-based phonics program designed…

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A child in an ESDM Early start Denver Model session with multidisciplinary approach that includes Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy

Multidisciplinary Intervention for ESDM clinics

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) | No Comments

The Importance of Multidisciplinary Early Intervention Clinics for Children with Autism Using the Early Start Denver Model Early intervention is crucial for children with autism, significantly impacting their development and long-term outcomes. Among the various approaches, the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) stands out for its evidence-based and comprehensive methodology. To maximise the effectiveness of ESDM, it is essential for early intervention clinics to adopt a multidisciplinary approach. This blog explores why multidisciplinary clinics are vital for providing holistic and effective care for children with autism. Understanding the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) The ESDM is a play-based, relationship-focused therapy…

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