Diagnose autism early so child can start ESDM therapy in Sydney in Mascot, Bondi Junction and Randwick.

ESDM and Joint Attention

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

Autism is a complex neurodevelopment condition. Early intervention is key to helping children with autism. The Early Start Denver Model, or ESDM, is an intervention for young children with autism. It is delivered by our certified ESDM therapists. At our Sydney clinic, OnOnOne Children’s Therapy is proud to offer this early intervention to all our families. Let’s look at the critical skill of joint attention in the ESDM. This series of posts will help parents understand how the ESDM improves the features of autism so children can grow and learn. What is joint attention in the ESDM? Joint attention is…

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Group of children with autism doing the Early Start Denver Model ESDM early intervention in a clinic in Mascot Sydney with a certified ESDM therapist

ESDM therapy and Imitation

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

Autism is a complex neurodevelopment condition. Early intervention is key to helping children with autism. The Early Start Denver Model, or ESDM, is an intervention for young children with autism. It is delivered by our certified ESDM therapists. At our Sydney clinic, OnOnOne Children’s Therapy is proud to offer this early intervention to all our families. Let’s look at how the ESDM develops imitation skills. This series of posts will help parents understand how the ESDM improves the features of autism so children can grow and learn. What is imitation? Imitation is the ability to copy what others do. When…

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Child with Developmental Delay or Global Developmental Delay climbing in an Occupational Therapy session with an Occupational Therapist in Bondi Junction and Mascot in Sydney

Developmental Delay and Global Developmental Delay

By | General, Occupational Therapy

WHAT ARE DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY AND GLOBAL DEVELOPMENTAL DELAY? Developmental delay and global developmental delay are the terms used to describe a child whose development in delayed. WHAT IS CHILD DEVELOPMENT? Child development is the order or sequence that children acquire skills as they grow and learn. Children follow a general pattern of development. We expect children to learn things within a particular time frame, and we expect this across all areas of development. The steps in each area of development are called developmental milestones. Each developmental milestone has an age range that we expect the child to develop the skill in: Children usually start…

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Child with autism learning to talk in speech pathology session early intervention clinic in Bondi Junction Mascot Sydney

ESDM and Expressive Communication

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

Autism is a complex neurodevelopment condition. Early intervention is key to helping children with autism. The Early Start Denver Model, or ESDM, is an intervention for young children with autism. It is delivered by our certified ESDM therapists. At our Sydney clinic, OnOnOne Children’s Therapy is proud to offer this early intervention to all our families. Let’s look at how the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) develops expressive communication skills. This series of posts will help parents understand how the ESDM improves the features of autism so children can grow and learn. What is expressive communication in the ESDM? Expressive…

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Young girl doing a Speech Pathology assessment in speech therapy clinic in Bondi Junction and Mascot

Speech Pathology Services in Bondi Junction

By | Speech Pathology

Unlocking Your Child’s Potential: Speech Pathology Services in Bondi Junction The first three years of your child’s life are crucial for their development. This is when they learn to communicate, develop motor skills, and enhance their cognitive abilities. During this period, their brain undergoes significant growth, leading to these essential skills. However, some children may not develop these skills at the same rate or in the same way as their peers. That’s where Speech Pathology comes in, providing the necessary support to help your child thrive. Why Your Child Might Need Speech Pathology Children might need Speech Pathology if they…

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Young girl on climbing wall with our Occupational Therapist in and Occupational Therapy gym in Bondi Junction and Mascot because of developmental delay and poor core strength and postural control.

Occupational Therapy in Bondi Junction

By | Occupational Therapy

Boost Your Child’s Development with Occupational Therapy in Bondi Junction The first three years of your child’s life are incredibly important for their development. During this time, they learn to communicate, move, and think in new and exciting ways. However, not all children develop these skills at the same pace. Some children may take longer, develop these skills differently, or have conditions that affect their progress. That’s where Occupational Therapy can make a big difference. Why Do Children Need Occupational Therapy? Children may need Occupational Therapy if they have challenges with motor skills or everyday activities. This can include difficulties…

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language delay, children, developmental language delay, speech pathology, speech pathologist, bondi junction, mascot

What is language delay?

By | Speech Pathology

Understanding Language Delays Language delay in children is a common concern for many parents. It happens when a child’s language development is slower than that of their peers. Parents often ring our Speech Pathology clinics in Bondi Junction and Mascot to ask about language delays. This can affect how they understand, use, and communicate with language. Early identification and intervention are key to helping children overcome these delays and develop strong communication skills. What Is Language Delay? Language delay means that a child is not meeting the typical milestones for language development at the expected times. For example, by the…

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Young child learn to tie shoe laces in Occupational therapy, Occupational Therapist, BondiJunction, Mascot, sydney and randwick

How to tie shoelaces

By | Occupational Therapy

Learning to tie shoelaces is a significant milestone in a child’s development, marking a step towards independence and fine motor skill mastery. While it can be a challenging task, with patience, practice, and the right techniques, children can successfully learn to tie their shoes. Here’s a simple guide on how children learn to tie shoelaces and how parents can support them in this process. Why Learning to Tie Shoelaces is Important Independence: Being able to tie their own shoelaces helps children feel more independent and confident. Fine Motor Skills: Tying shoelaces requires precise finger movements, helping to develop fine motor…

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