Group of children doing intensive group social skills in Early Start Denver Model ESDM intervention for young children with autism in Sydney.

Intensive ESDM Therapy

By | Early Start Denver Model (ESDM)

Navigating Early Intervention: Intensive ESDM for Children with Autism When children are diagnosed with autism, the first thing parents want to know is how to help their child. They want to understand what therapy to choose and how many hours of intervention are necessary. This can be a complex question, so let’s dive into it and explore how to access intensive Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) therapy in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner. The Importance of Early Intervention There is no doubt that evidence shows higher levels of early intervention lead to better outcomes for children with autism. Early identification…

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Child doing activity on gym ball for bilateral coordination in Occupational Therapy Clinic with Occupational Therapist in Bondi Junction and Mascot in Sydney

Bilateral Co-ordination – What is it?

By | Occupational Therapy

What is bilateral co-ordination and why is it important? Bilateral co-ordination, also known as bilateral integration, refers to one’s ability to simultaneously control and coordinate both sides of the body. Children who have difficulty with bilateral coordination have trouble with fine motor tasks, visual motor tasks, activities or daily living and gross motor activities. What are the different types of bilateral movements? There are different types of bilateral movements that a child needs to develop: Symmetrical movements – This involves both hands or legs performing the same action at the same time (i.e. rolling out playdoh, clapping, jumping with feet together,…

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